GuidedPR - About Us!

“Hey you!” I know sometimes it feels like journalists aren’t that into you or your company.Sorry about that, but gone are the days when pitching to journalists was similar to staring at a deep, dark hole, you know, with zilchresponses to endless emails.It can take a toll on the psyche for new publicity attempts, I know,but don’t give up just yet.
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GuidedPR has changed the game forever, and the best part is, the oddsare in your favour! In just a few seconds, you can get connected to a journalist, through ourartificial intelligence platform. How cool is that? And as unbelievable as it might sound,GuidedPR has had hundreds of clients featured in more than 650 articles in the world’s most prestigiousmedia channels like the BBC, Forbes, Daily Mail, FT anda load more!It’s a one-stop-shop really, for the branding needs of your business. Once you become a memberof GuidedPR, not only do we connect you to journalists for that first feature but go further toguide you on how to create irresistible content toshare with the media. And as you organically grow your media footprint, you become more visible in the market, drawing more business prospects to yourself and making it easier to close deals. The media is a powerful tool.Pause awhile, and consider the entrepreneurs you know yet have never met, whether it’s Bill Gates,Richard Branson or even Jack Ma. They all occupy tons of space in media channels. The more people see you and read about you, they think they know you and can easily trust you. Therefore, investing in your own visibility will make you look like an expert and that’ll be your tipping point.Don’t think of GuidedPR as a magic wand you’ll wave and get instant results. Yes, we’ll be with you every step of the way, but you’ll have to put in some work. This will involve: writing a compelling profile about yourself or your business; creating social media posts, videos and blogposts; writing and sending expert comments to journalists. Our promise is to make you more visible and influential. That’s how you’ll recoup your investment with us.Carol, the very first entrepreneur to use our platform has been featured over 20 times in the media. She has consequently won awards and been listed as an expert in two reports about tech trends in 2019 and 2020. SimilarlyTommie, since joining our platform, has seen her profile soar.As well as being featured on Forbes and on the cover of High Profile Magazine, she has achieved incredible feats like being invited to speak at the G20 in Argentina and appearing on the UK Financial Times List “Top 100 Most Influencer BAME Leaders in Tech” in 2019.
Do you now understand what GuidedPR can do for you? Subscribe to any of our plans and get set onyour journey. In case you’re still wondering if this works, sign up on our platform for a 30-dayfree trial and experience the transformation for yourself, we guarantee brand success.You will be in expert hands throughout your journey! GuidedPR CEORafael dosSantos is amult i-award winning PR, personal brand and marketing strategy expert who has been featuredhundreds of times in the media. He has won seven awards including the Sunday Times ‘Top100 Most Inspiring Entrepreneurs in the UK’. He has also previously generated sales worth£144k via LinkedIn campaigns in just 12 months. Also, hisaward-winning TEDx Talk ‘What itTakes tobe a Migrant Entrepreneur’ has been watched over 157k times. You’ll love workingwith Rafael. Check out client reviews herethen book a call with him.Your interview in the media is a click away!N.B. *Below is a link to a powtoon video about GuidedPR that you may also use, if compatible with the style of your blog.