The ocean to join renewable energies

Usually, the UK is relegated to a backwater in the field of energy production. However, its unique position as an island nation gives it a near monopoly on “ocean energy”.
The following are some quotes regarding the latest project dubbed the world’s largest wind turbine. This is an attempt to meet recently set goals as the following quotes indicate.
Looking ahead, the European Commission wants the capacity of ocean energy technologies to hit 100 MW by 2025 and roughly 1 GW by 2030.Recent figures from Ocean Energy Europe show that only 260 kilowatts (kW) of tidal stream capacity was added in Europe last year, while just 200 kW of wave energy By contrast, 2020 saw 14.7 gigawatts (GW) of wind energy capacity installed in Europe, according to industry body WindEurope.
These two last quotes may seem contradictory. In fact, they represent the euro zone’s commitment to use of renewable energies overall with a regional focus on ocean generated production. Wind has out produced in Europe as whole. However as of the long-term impact of COVID-19 virus many countries and regions are seeking production self-sufficiency. This may be the UKs own effort toward this goal.
‘World’s most powerful tidal turbine’ gears up for operation (